12kW Brewery Immersion Heater.


12kW Brewery Immersion Heater 2.25″BSP Brass screwplug 33″ immersed length 1 stat pocket

This is our official price, but
ring 01827 215684
for a deal!


Breweries really are our favourite customers, therefore we need you busy brewing, not cleaning, thus our 12kW Brewery Immersion Heater features:

  • 10mm diameter Incoloy 800 elements, with huge great, wide open spaces between elements for cleaning purposes
  • 2.25″ BSP Brass Screwplug (suits 95% of brewers, SS bespoke II Range available for other 5%)
  • 6″ or 150mm inactive or cold end
  • 33″ or 830mm  immersed length
  • ABS IP65 terminal enclosure rotateable through 360 degrees
  • 9.3 w/cm² or 60w/in² watt density (the lower the watt density, the less sh1t sticks!)
  • 415v by default, reconfigurable to be 240v single phase if required
  • complete with 11″ thermowell.

Call Jamie on 01827 215684 to discuss your 12kW Brewery Immersion Heater requirements. While we love all (paying) customers, brewers really are our favourites, because you bring happiness and hangovers to us all. If one of you could invent some hangover free beer, then we would be very interested to hear about it. The older one gets, the worse (and longer lasting) the hangovers seem to be.

We understand your need to get water from one part of your process at 70ºC, up to the boil as quickly as possible. Therefore this demand for lots of power needs to be balanced with a maximum immersed length of about 1m. The more element we can squeeze into the available space, the more we are able to reduce the watt density of the elements. Therefore, it may be worth having a look at our Blog entry, in which I have tried to explain the importance of watt density and its relevance when choosing and using a brewery immersion heater.

Possible Alternative Heaters.

If you are that rarest of breeds, The Rich Brewer, and fancy getting creative, then we can do Removeable Brewery Heaters on a hygienic SS tank fitting (DN50, 80 or 125 depending on power needs & depth of pockets), with straight or ? shaped elements to follow the circumference of the tank. We will need an in in depth conversation about your local circumstances, dimensions, entry ports, etc.

So, please call Jamie on 01827 215684 to discuss.

Call Jamie on 01827 215684 for a discount, to discuss thermostats, etc. I lose 2% in charges if you pay by card, & technology does go wrong. A conversation rarely does. Dismiss