Welcome to Immersion Heaters UK Ltd.
If you’re looking for Industrial Immersion Heaters, Brewery Immersion Heaters, Flanged Immersion Heaters, Heating Elements, or Vat Heaters, then you’ve come to the right place. Not only for the highest quality products at excellent prices. But also, a level of customer service recently described as “Rare Breed” by a happy cider making customer.
We are renowned for high quality advice, support and service that are all a cut above. See our Testimonials supporting this assertion, which are scrolling at the foot or left of this page. And yes, they are all 100% real! Please feel free to add to them by clicking these links for Google, TrustPilot & FaceBook.
Shop for Industrial Immersion Heaters

Here at Immersion Heaters UK, we specialise in supplying exclusively to industry. Many of our customers are small-to-medium-sized breweries. We take great pleasure in supplying them with the optimum products for their requirements. But our focus is always in helping every customer. From whatever sector, to find exactly what best suits their specific needs. So that they can concentrate on what they do best.
IHUK Ltd encompasses Heating Elements UK, Brewery Heaters UK and Flanged Immersion Heaters UK. Feel free to visit our sister sites for specifics, but all content can be found here via menus top & left.
If you’d like to put a face to the voice on the fone, then click Jamie Bristoll..
If you’d like to know a little bit more detail as to what an immersion heater actually is, click Immersion Heater Description.
Immersion Heaters UK – Useful Stuff.

On this site, you will not only find an online catalogue of our core range of products. You’ll find tips, advice and guidance, as well as links to other resources to make your life easier, including our heating calculators.
On our blog, ElementsOfHeating there is a wealth of relevant and useful information, such as an explanation of what a heating element actually is. Also we have a full description and explanation of the component parts of a screwed immersion heater and my best punt at explaining the joys of watt density, and it’s crucial importance when choosing the most appropriate immersion heater for water, oil, and breweries. Also available is an informational entry about the process we go through when designing immersion heaters generally.
YouTube Channel.
Please click to view on our YouTube channel, where we have videos showing how to wire an immersion heater…
…an explanation in case you are wondering “What is a heating element…”
..as well as this 2 minute explanation of “What is an immersion heater…”
Sidetracked onto our Sister Site?
If you now realise that what you are in fact searching for is a Heating Element, as opposed to an Immersion Heater, you have two options. You can stay on this website, research Heating Elements, find what you need, & then call Jamie on 01827 215684.
Or you can go to our sister site, HeatingElements.co.uk where you will find additional information, exampled below, and you are able to buy online, should you wish to avoid a long telephone conversation with Jamie, about Life, the Universe & Everything. Or perhaps you love banks & their 2% charges. I don’t. So please call Jamie on 01827 215684.
The more “Wiggle Room” you have in terms of power rating & length, then the more likely we are to be able to find something on the shelf. In stock, makes the process both quicker & easier. If elements are required STRAIGHT or NARROW U BENT (ie, <=50mm fixing centres) then lengths will have to be close enuf. But if we can squeeze in a W shaped element then this allows the “middle leg” to vary according to what lengths are available on the shelf. Likewise, if you can be flexible on power rating, we may not have sufficient 1000w elements to hand, but if you could take 1250w, 1333w, or perhaps 750w, then we are better able to accommodate your needs quickly & cost efficiently.
Immersion Heaters UK – Even more Useful Stuff.
BSP Screwplug sizing causes much consternation, so click here for our BSP blogpost explanation for full explanation on ElementsOfHeating, but hopefully this suffices for most –
Circumference mm |
0.25” | 0.518 | 13.2 | 41 | |
1/2 | 0.825 | 21 | 66 | |
5/8 | 0.902 | 23 | 72 | |
3/4 | 1.041 | 26.44 | 83 | |
7/8 | 1.189 | 30.2 | 95 | |
1 |
33.3 | 104 | |
1 & 1/4 | 1.650 | 39.5 | 41.5 | 131 |
1 & 1/2 – * | 1.882 | 44.8 | 47.7 | 150 |
1 & 3/4 – # | 2.116 | 51.2 | 53.5 | 168 |
2 | 2.347 | 57.5 | 59.2 | 187.2 |
2 &1/4 – @ | 2.537 | 62.5 | 65.4 | 206.4 |
2 & 1/2 | 2.95 | 72.4 | 74.9 | 236.2 |
* UK Domestic Standard
# UK Unvented Cylinder Standard (Alledgedly!)
@ UK Industrial Standard & what we sell the vast majority of the time.
…and how many 8mm ⌀ elements we can squeeze onto each size (U Bent or Looped, Looped is better, lower watt density)…
2.25″ | 3 x looped 2 STAT | |
2″ | 3 x looped 1 STAT | |
1.75″ | 2 loops + 1 stat / 3 u 2 stat | |
1.5″ | 3 HAIRPINS 2 STAT | |
1.25″ | 3 HAIRPINS 1 STAT | |
1” |
2 U elements + 1 pocket
1 looped |
Simply put, 2″, 2.”5″ or a 2.5″ screwplugs can accommodate looped / tromboned 8mm ⌀, ‘owt smaller is limited to U bent elements, which has a serious impact on the watt density achievable. If you are a really inquisitive type, you can use the following calculation tool to figure out how much 8mm ⌀ element you can squeeze into your maximum immersed length (if you are lucky enuf to have a 2″, 2.”5″ or a 2.5″BSP to play with). (Maximum immersed length x 3 is close enuf, for the OCD amongst you).
And if you really want to deep dive, take (double! for both ends of the element) your cold ends (2″ as an absolute minimum, 6″ as a standard, 18 as a maximum) off the element “squeeze innable”, enter your desired power output of element, and you can calculate your watt density
Remember, target is 40w/in² in hard water areas (London, don’t bother!), 60-70w/in² in soft water areas. 12w/in² for heavy oils, 25w/in² for light (cooking) oils, 27w/in² for airflows of 2m/s. Rule of 👍, the lower the better ito working lifespan.
We hope you find the site intuitive & easy to use, and if you have any suggestions, feedback or corrections, please contact Jamie at ImmHtr@gmail.com or on 01827 215684. Always open to new learning & Collaboration!