Little Victories: Everyday Hero.

*Apologies, but I gotta trust my gut. And start before I feel ready.

  • Life is challenging/difficult/painful. End of. The alternative is to be dead. All of those dead folks you once knew are free of this turmoil now. They’d rather be here, suffering like you are. Guaranteed. Elvis would swap being dead to be in your current “suffering”.
  • Attempting to minimise your suffering by staying in your Comfort Zone is self destructive in the medium & long term.
  • Time flies, but you are the Pilot.
  • Take control, starting with your thoughts & self talk.
  • Thoughts & feelings follow actions. So move.
  • If you don’t know where to start, start here, with Eat, Move, Sleep. Or Good Energy.
  • Take great pleasure in a series of tiny wins throughout your day, this will build your self esteem & self control “muscles”, this will grow like a snowball rolling downhill, you will feel able to take on greater challenges, and in time you will become the Everyday Hero you were born to be.
  • Guaranteed! Or your money back!

That’s it really.

  • You are more than good enuf.
  • Trust thyself. You are the best you there is, has ever been, or ever will be.
  • Sleep is the keystone, sleep more, sleep better. Routine is key. Good habits are crucial.
  • Little victories, everyday hero. Every decision is a +1, this is going to make me better, or a -1, this is easy, feels comfy & good, but is bad, & deep down I know it. Short term pain, long term gain, or vice versa, you choose. This is how you build self esteem & fortify yourself for the really tough times. And those times will come, so long as you are above ground.
  • Remove the toxic people from your life. You are the average of the 5 folks you spend most time with, find some good ‘uns, treasure them & let them know.


  1. #1 START: Ask yourself: What’s the #1 positive behaviour that I know might be beneficial for me to start doing?
  2. #1 STOP: Then ask: What’s the #1 negative behaviour no longer serving me that I know I need to stop doing?
  3. DO THOSE THINGS: Start doing the first. Stop doing the Second. Repeat!

The Gouge – mp3 to listen.

the-gouge – pdf to read.

Buy The Gouge here.


Everthing is Figureoutable – mp3 to listen.

everything-is-figureoutable – pdf to read.

Buy here.

Deep Work – mp3 to listen.

deep-work pdf to read.




The Basics.

Welcome to Heroic – Listen…



*Humblest apologies to Brian & Heroic & Areté.

But if you really wanna change the world, we gotta get it out there, and for free.

I need my son, friends & anybody willing to listen & wanting to improve, to buy into this mindset, before they £buy$ into this mindset. (& I have to say I was a little disappointed to see prices go from $99 to $150 when I added the “Try for Free” link below, it just gives the haters & doubters ammunition)

You have collated the wisdom of the last 2500 years, my intention is to distil it further.

Into BulletPoints – With links.

Which hopefully showcases Heroic & makes folks wanna (try for free) sign up & invest their money in the best possible venture.


And it is still worth it at $150 (£112 currently for us Brits) purely for the psychological nudge of swiping your chosen targets every morning, if you can make it part of your AM Bookend.