What is an immersion heater?

What is an immersion heater? is a regularly asked question, so rather than keep repeating myself, here is a video of my dull, Middle England accent, explaining. Informational content provided by Jamie at ImmersionHeaters.UK or 01827 215684.   An immersion heater is, simply put, a number of elements, usually 3, elements, a screwplug and a … Read more

Strava – Biking & Walking.

I am Jamie Bristoll, unsuprisingly, on Strava, if you wanna follow me, which may in turn motivate me to move my BFHA more. 7 followers, 1013 activities, allegedly! And this is what happens when it all goes horribly wrong…


The antithesis of bloody evil FB, a repository of compliments, living Eulogies, and anyway to lift another Human Spirit when it needs a boost. Simply put, a website to allow & encourage folks to compliment each other.

Bloga – Bloke Yoga

I have been doing Yoga for nigh on 20 years, on & off, more regularly recently, as I have found it to be my keystone habit to start any good day. Originally based on this book – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Aerobic-Yoga-Cosmic-Fountain-Workbook/dp/1885203403 …it is ever evolving, with bits getting added, and bits probably getting forgotten. My mate who is … Read more

Shareware Ideas.

Compliment.me The antithesis of bloody evil FB, a repository of compliments, living Eulogies, and anyway to lift another Human Spirit when it needs a boost.