Shop for Stock Immersion Heaters.
We currently carry two ranges of stock heaters, the ii (Industrial Immersion Range) and the Bi (Brewery immmersion Range).
Industrial Immersion Heaters Range.
We are very proud of our UK manufactured Industrial Immersion Heaters Range, having rotateable, robust alloy terminal boxes with top notch Ingress Protection rated at IP67, 8mm diameter Incoloy 800 sheathed elements ideally suited to (unfortunately hard) British water, and a selection of screwplug sizes in both Brass & Stainless Steel.
- 3kW, 6kW, 9kW, 12kW, 18kW & 24kW stock available for rapid delivery.
- One cable entry M25 (two available as an option).
- Terminal covers rotateable through 360 degrees to allow cable entry position to be chosen.
- Alloy IP67 terminal enclosures. Measuring 120mm diameter x 105mm height.
- Incoloy 800, “a superior stainless steel”, 8mm diameter elements.
- Complete with SS thermowell to house our range of 11″ stats.
Brewery Immersion Heaters Range.
I have been saying the same to folks for years now, Breweries really are my favourite customers, & our BI Range of Brewery Immersion Heaters is designed specifically with your cleaning needs in mind, and feature:
- Well spaced elements which are only U bent, to allow good access for cleaning, see images.
- Available as 3kW, 6kW, 9kW, 12kW, 18kW, see below for specifics.
- Terminal box 120mm deep, 120x100mm oval.
- ABS IP65 terminal enclosure rotateable through 360 degrees.
- 415v busbarred by default, 3 & 6kW can be reconfigured to 240v single phase if required.
- 2.25″ BSP Brass Screwplug.
- 10mm diameter Incoloy 800 elements.
- complete with 18″ thermowell.
- Italian manufactured.
Call Jamie on 01827 215684 to discus your Stock Immersion Heater needs.
Browse industrial immersion heaters
12kW Industrial Immersion Heater
official price, butring 01827 215684for a deal!
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6kW Industrial Immersion Heater
official price, butring 01827 215684for a deal!
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333w Industrial Immersion Heater
official price, butring 01827 215684for a deal!
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Fi1236 Industrial Immersion Heater
official price, butring 01827 215684for a deal!
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